Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Characteristics of an insane union

This is not going to be a difficult point to get across.  I am for sure in an insane union. Never in my wildest dreams could have imagine that opinions that come across tv would ever have creeped into my relationship.  In 2008 I a devout Democrat flat out refused to vote for Barack Obama.  Why?  It for sure wasn't because I thought he could not run the country.  It for sure wasn't because I thought John Mccain would make a better president.  It wasn't because I thought he was a muslim trying to ruin the country.  It was because I was convinced that America was not ready for a black president.  I was sure it would make the hate just ripple all throughout the country.  I was sure we were not ready.  I was sure that if  elected he would become a lame duck president just because no  one would cooperate.  I was  sure that their were many people in government  that were not going to go out of their   way to reach across the isle and negotiate with a black man or compromise.  Then came the 2012 election where I was convinced that I had to vote for Barack Obama not because I thought he had did such great job.  Not because I hadn't notice that the economy was not doing well.  Not because he had brought so many troops home and yet sent so many more out.  It was purely because I had to choose the lesser of two evils.

So this brings me back to the situation at hand.  I, a democrat is in a long tumultuous     relationship with a new "republican".  Mind you I am the person that encouraged this person to vote so that they could have a voice after listening to them voice their opinion for 7 years, not knowing that they had never voted before in their life. Anyway this dude commences to make it his place to convert me.  Its crazy that  I come home from work to listen to Bill O'Reilly and Hannity with him yelling at the top of his lung and pointing at me screaming "See this is what you "people" caused".  I get called a "taker" by a person that dodged taxes for as long as he could until he got caught.  I've worked since I was fifteen and been on my own since I was 17.  How the hell does he have the right to call me a taker.  We figured long ago that we had to split the bills right down the middle just to make this work,         and  he makes $15,000 dollars more than me and still calls me a taker.  This is for sure an insane                                                union!   

Christ!  Just as I was getting use to the ritual, the Zimmerman thing  happened and threw a monkey wrench in the plan.  As usual my bow felt that he had to pick a damn side, mind you this was a local story for me.  I knew from the jump that Zimmerman was not white.  It completely baffled me that it became such a polarized subject.  I seen him as a over zealous watchman but never a racist.  Anyway,  somewhere in the conversations that I was having with the person that claims to love me I became a whiny "nigger".  Now tell me where they do that at?  Why would I not have compassion for a  teenager   walking home when I have a 17 year old son that walks home everyday, sometimes wearing a hoodie.  No one is an angel, but to be gunned down as such a young age is crazy.  Yes, I know it happens everyday, but this case was different.  George was not on watch that night.  I have raised four kids and  I tell them all the time.  "Don't let a stranger get you from the spot you are in.  We may never find you".  "You better fight if you think they are going to get the upper hand".  Now I'm rethinking it all.  Why didn't he ever identify himself?  I really think it all could have been avoided.  If that's whining, then I guess I am a whiny "nigger".  This is for sure an insane union.

Finally comes the fight that we must have on marriage being between a man and woman.  How in the hell we could be on different sides of this conversation is beyond me.  You'd have to know way more about us to to get it, but it is absolutely laughable to me that he can sit back and be the judge of anyone.  Yes I believe that if you want to marry a cow you should be able to.  Who am I to tell anyone what to do with their life?  How he can be an advocate to traditional marriage is crazy to me when he doesn't even believe in heaven and hell.  I'm not sure if I believe in them either which I why I reserve the right not to judge anyones decisions to be whomever they want to be.  I am for sure in an insane union.

In the end I wonder if all interracial couples go through this rollercoaster of emotions or am I just in an insane union?

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